

November 09, 2017

On Monday, November 6, 2017 EMAB staff flew into Lutsel K'e to put on a community update that evening, with the help of Charlie Catholique, EMAB Vice Chair and LKDFN Director. Staff and Charlie...

September 27, 2017

EMAB received Diavik's Closure and Reclamation Plan (CRP) on May 19, 2017. This report is similar to previous versions, but includes more recent information and some revisions to the closure...

February 19, 2017

On March 31, 2017 EMAB launched its new website! EMAB staff and Board members look forward to the opportunity to use it as a platform to better connect with Parties to the EA and their communities...

October 02, 2017

On February 14-16, 2017, EMAB hosted a closure planning workshop for Board members and representatives from each of the five communities affected by the Diavik mine. The purpose of the workshop...